We're moving our son into his dorm room today. This will be his first year of college. I've got mixed emotions about it, but overall I think he's as ready to be on his own as any 19-year-old ever is. His mother, however, is struggling with seeing her first-born leave the nest.
More on this topic later...
In the Right.
1 hour ago
Hope he picked an 'easy access' dorm, as in near a road where you can park your car at the curb. Next week I will be doing the pack mule bit, though we have learned valuable lessons about hand carts and plastic tubs. It is amusing to watch the ones who move in recliners and such...
Oh, and I only cried the first 100 miles on the way home last year.
Heh, friend of mine is going through that right now, his wife is going nuts and he's looking for someplace to hide!!! In his case it's a daughter!
Harper - He's in the Commons. We were able to park fairly close, but his room is on the third floor - and no elevators. He packed light, and I brought a large cart and a hand truck, so it wasn't too bad. My wife's tears stopped pretty quick, but there were lots of sighs on the drive home.
NFO - the trick is to keep her occupied. Right now I have her making me dinner... :-)
My kid's mailbox is in the Commons, and her dorm is nearby, so I am all too familiar with that trek!
Third floor, huh?
LOL, my buddy is trying to steal one of my trips just to get the hell outta Dodge for a few days! :-)
Harper - Yep, third floor. A friend of his is in the Corps. I knew their dorm was close, but I didn't realize they got their mail in the Commons.
NFO - maybe your buddy can get her a puppy...
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