Yesterday I said that ball bearing were used in the Boston marathon bombings, and that a Saudi national was in custody. Today there are reports that ball bearings were not used, and that the Saudi national is not a suspect.
Mea culpa.
By nature and training I usually err on the side of caution. I prefer not to speak out or take a position until I'm sure of the facts. In this case I let my emotions take precedence over by thoughts.
Lessons learned:
1. Think before you speak (I keep re-learning this one...).
2. Don't expect the mainstream media to accurately report the facts. (Another lesson I have a hard time learning...).
Final Thought:
We in this country have been incredibly lucky so far. America in general is a very soft target. We have a large number of public gatherings (festivals, sports events, concerts, etc.) and open public facilities (schools, parks, malls, etc.). Instructions and materials for building explosive devices are readily available. It's a wonder there haven't been more of these events. I'm sure some have been prevented that we've never heard about, but like the saying goes, we have to be successful 100% of the time - the terrorist only needs to win once.
Given the publicity this bombing has received, I expect more attempts in the months to come.
Given the public's desire for security, I also expect more attacks on our personal freedoms.
Either way, the terrorists win...
UPDATE: Now it appears that there were ball bearings used after all. I'm just going to quit posting about this until things settle down.
Face of Fear.
22 hours ago
Concur with all, and of course Matthews and CNN blamed right wing extremist last night... That is why i haven't posted anything...
You're a wise man...
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