obamamaniacs can now purchase bank checks with their hero's image on them.
Why anyone would want to do so, I have no idea. But for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
(It's a Flash app, so it may not work on mobile devices.)
H/T here via here.
In the Right.
15 hours ago
That is a great graphic.
Where's the little DNC "Hammer and Sickle" logo/tattoo on his forehead and the KarlMarx watermark in the paper? (Sorry, forgot you have to hold it up to a light to see the watermark;-) This is a cheap chinese knockoff of the original DNC copyrighted version that's only produced by the GPO. What is this country coming to? Have they no shame? Understand the tattoo is selling like hotcakes, everyone in the Federal Prison System already has one. Ain't life a kick in the teeth? Want one? OK, bend over..
NavyOne - Thanks, but the credit goes to the folks at the link who actually created it. I just 'borrowed' it.
Pascvaks - at least the obama checks are optional. The Treasury isn't using them ... yet.
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