... What has America become?
Ken Huber of Tawas City, Michigan, puts it this way:
Ken, buddy, I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you...
Airplanes ‘n Shit.
1 hour ago
"We have met the enemy, and he is us." - Pogo
So many of us see the decay but nothing can be done. Politicians on both sides are to blame and Ken's last paragragh nails it. Even if we had the most hardened Tea Party politician imaginable as President and held both houses, it would still take decades to undo what has been done to this country.
Helpless dispair is the only feeling I have right now...that's why I drink.
Funny you should mention helpless despair and drinking. After reading the morning paper I'm debating about whether or not to add some bourbon to my coffee.
Got a theory. Since the IRS said churches (except Black Churches, and Black Muslim temples of course;-) couldn't say anything or do anything political without losing tax-exempt status, the country has gone to hell. I think there's a connection. When you take politics out of the Bible Lesson and Sunday Preaching the end can't be far away.(SarcOff)
I really do think there's a connection, but I daren't say it too loud lest someone turn me in to the SS or IRS and my tax return is auditted, and I get sent to Siberia or Alaska and have to chop wood the rest of my life.. you understand, right?
Pascvaks - Mostly sad right now. Things are getting real in a big hurry. I really thought I would not see the chaos. Now family comes into play....bring it bitches!
CenTex - What the hell is going on down there? 23 Bodies...again? Gotta freak you out a little bit.
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