This story (the Nutting MarketWatch piece) about how obama isn't really responsible for the recent massive increase in federal spending (it's all Bush's fault, don't you know) has been getting a lot of exposure in the mainstream media lately, even though it's been thoroughly discredited (here and here, for example).
But wading through articles full of numbers and percentages isn't the most exciting way to spend one's time. Thankfully, there is an illustrated version available. I've posted the first part below. You can see the rest here.
In the Right.
15 hours ago
Yep, they're STILL singing that song aren't they... sigh
They don't seem to get tired of it.
Sing something, anything, loud enough and long enough, and before you know it folks are whistling it and tapping their feet and struming their fingers on their knees and votein' their way to the po' house. It get's in their souls.
PS: Before a Slaver can enslave he first must capture you.
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