Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Election 2012

From the "a picture's worth 1000 words" department we have this gem, which does a pretty good job of summarizing the 2012 presidential election.

(H/T Mostly Cajun)


Pascvaks said...

Where's the Independent? Shucks! They never show how the real majority feels. (Maybe Old Paul has a chance, the country took a long shot gamble on a Wahini Marxist Rabble Rouser from Chicago, why not an Old Man with nothing but common sense? But, alas, the most important people are the stupid people we send to Comgress, if they say NO nothings going to move an inch.;-)

CenTexTim said...

"the most important people are the stupid people we send to Comgress"

You've got that right.