I've been overwhelmed lately with shitstorms of various sizes, shapes, intensity, and duration. They all descended at once, and hopefully they will all go away soon. In the meantime, thank goodness there is a pill for that.
No Bus Fare.
13 hours ago
Take three a day myself. Of course I save gobbs using the generic. Morning with coffee. Noon with Gator Aid. Evening with a bottle of wine. Not sure who makes them or where, I think it's some Iranian company in Hong Kong. Is the Global Economy a gas!(SarcOff? Yes, maybe it's an Iranian Patent made by a Russian Company based in Hong Kong, Sarcoff;-)
Make sure you use plenty of Shiner Bock to wash those pills down.
I need a couple of those... sigh...
Pascvaks and Kerrcarto - what, mix Rx drugs with alcohol? Not me...
NFO - I buy the super size bottle at Sam's Club.
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