Today dawned cloudy, cool, damp, and generally dreary. Naturally, we had a morning of outdoor activities planned.
Our little community has adopted a two-mile stretch of a local highway. That means every month or so we go out and pick up the trash that has accumulated along it. It's an interesting study in human nature, contrasting the best - people volunteering to clean up other people's mess - with the worst - people who are, when you get right down to it, inconsiderate pigs.
I use the word "pigs" advisedly, because most of the trash consists of fast food debris. Running a close second are drink containers - soft drink cans, plastic water bottles, and of course beer containers of all shapes and sizes.
But we also find some rather interesting items. Our daughter scored a $5 bill. My wife found a lacy, sexy, Victoria's Secret type of bra. Several yards later I found the matching thong pantys.
After a nice warm shower it'll be time for a nap. On tap for later this evening is a nice dinner at one of the fine local dining establishments.
And then, who knows...
Bite Me.
20 hours ago
You've found my underwear.
Please don't send it back to me because my wife might open the package.
"How long have you been wearing women's underwear?"
"Ever since my wife found a pair of panties in my car."
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