I turn 60 today.
Hold the applause, please. This is not a noteworthy achievement. It just means I haven't killed myself off before now, although not for a lack of trying.
I'll get into the self-reflective stuff later, after I've had time to let the fact that I've lived through six decades, eleven presidents, and three wives sink in. But for today, I just wanted to share with you two of the presents I've received.
The first is a cake my wife baked for me. Thanks, honey. It makes me feel very special indeed on this, my special day.
The second present was very nice, as well as very useful. However, there was some miscommunication involved, as explained below.
I'm going to go off and celebrate now. One Shiner for every decade seems about right...
Bite Me.
16 hours ago
Droped by to grab a pic to use in a comment at
back later.
Happy birthday.
Best wishes for another year of being older and wiser!
Enjoy those Shiners. I'll enjoy a Busch in your honor, since that's all that's in the fridge at the moment.
Happy Birthday, Tim!
Happy Birthday, I've got ya by three months...LOL
Pascvaks - Thanks. Drop by again.
Bear - ditto. Re: the Busch - any port in a storm.
Thank you, Harper.
NFO - That difference gets less and less as we get older...
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