Friday, January 6, 2012

Quick Hits

Random quotes from the Friday Jan. 6 issue of the San Antonio Express-News.
"I understand a rich man from the Philippines wants to buy the Dallas Cowboys. He'll change the name to the Manilla Folders."
-- David Plylar, letter to the editor

"Romney remains the electable one, Santorum the acceptable one; then there's Ron Quixote."
-- Micheal Gerson, columnist
"So Mitt Romney 'won' Iowa by eight votes ... What happened to Rick Santorum's surge? Did a Dodge Caravan full of supporters break down on the way (to vote)?
-- Froma Harrop, columnist


Old NFO said...

Sigh... embarrassing... period!

Anonymous said...

"What happened to Rick Santorum's surge? Did a Dodge Caravan full of supporters break down on the way (to vote)?"

No, as a matter of fact they were riding in a Chevy "VOLT" and itcaught fire and burned on the way.

CenTexTim said...

Hang in there, NFO. Only 49 more states to go.