Thursday, March 21, 2013

Spam Of The Day

Like most bloggers, I wage a never-ending war against spam. So far I've avoided using the Captcha challenge-response test, but that day may be coming. In the interim, I periodically review and manually delete comments in the spam folder. It's not really that much trouble, and occasionally I get a chuckle out of it.

Take today, for instance. I found the following in the spam folder.
A men's sex toys will not call you a sexist pig if you say "Gene Hackman" instead of "Gene Hackperson".
Who writes this stuff?


Old NFO said...

Who knows... They sure don't get paid very well... (why do monkeys and bananas come to mind?)

Toejam said...

"why do monkeys and bananas come to mind?"

Is that a "racist" statement Old NFO? :)

CenTexTim said...

Monkeys and typewriters, maybe...