As of Friday afternoon, when I composed this post, it appeared inevitable that we would go careening over the fiscal cliff. The dairy cliff also looms, although it seems we have put off the container cliff (at least for a month).
My, my. So many cliffs. How did we get into this mess? The simple answer is that we, the American people, have continually elected a bunch of selfish, short-sighted, self-centered buffoons to positions of power. It is axiomatic that in a democracy the people get the government they deserve. Nevertheless, one would hope that the guy in front of the parade would show everyone which way to go - to lead, in other words.
So what has our 'leader-in-chief' been doing to help resolve the various crises facing us?
He's been busy issuing executive orders, the most recent of which raised the salary of a gaggle of parasites who are already overpaid and underproductive. Yes, I'm speaking of members of congress, along with that bumbling incompetent fool masquerading as VP, Joe Biden, and a whole passel of federal judges.
How many of our tax dollars are being wasted on these bumbling stooges? Too much.
Does anyone out there in Internet-land really think that representatives and senators are earning their $175K per year? Or that Joe Biden is worth $232K annually? If so, I have a bridge I'd like to sell you.
In July 2011 Warren Buffet came up a brilliant solution to ongoing federal deficits: "You just pass a law that says that any time there's a deficit of more
than 3 percent of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible
for re-election."
That's certainly one way. Here's another: any time there's a deficit of more than 3 percent of GDP, all sitting members of Congress no longer get paid, and must immediately pay back all salaries received to date.
Call it the CenTexTim rule...
No Bus Fare.
13 hours ago
Don't forget that there are additional stipends for leadership and committee positions in Congress, and the ever-popular automatic cost of living increase that will kick in.
I wonder how many members will exercise their right to refuse the increase?
Well done Sir, and on the money (OUR money no less)... dammit
Term Limits.
Harper - "I wonder how many members will exercise their right to refuse the increase?"
About as many rich liberals who voluntarily pay more income tax than the have to.
NFO - Thank you. And yes, it is OUR money - something those jackasses forget.
kerrcarto - I like the idea of term limits, but I worry that they will just encourage the jackasses to loot and plunder quicker than usual.
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