Monday, May 21, 2012

FOD Bonus - TIME For Humor

I'm sure everyone is familiar with the recent TIME magazine "Are You Mom Enough" cover showing a mother breastfeeding her 3-year-old child.

That cover triggered an avalanche of parodies, several of which are shown below. Enjoy the creativity of your fellow Americans...


Toejam said...

Yes, sick but

Frighteningly true Old NFO

Pascvaks said...

The French have a rousing chant for the type of things depicted above --I think they've made a movie or two with the exact same phrase, "A Tale of Two Cities" comes to mind, it was a real Dickens--

"Guillotine!" "Guillotine!" "GUILLOTINE!!"

(Can't remember the name of the sweet old actress who played the part originally, but she will forever stay in my mind as the epotomy of French justice by the poor and oppressed against the Avant' Guarde.)

Sick! Disgusting! Make's one almost want to go to church and pray for help, or something.

CenTexTim said...

Hey, I don't create them. I just post them.

Giving my readers what they want...