One of the greatest benefits of a trip like this is gaining a new perspective. It reminds us what is truly important, and it gives us a fresh insight into old problems.
Regarding what is truly important, we've reconnected as a family. We've set aside digital devices (granted, some of that is due to technological challenges, of which I'll have more to say later) and are spending time talking FTF. We're reminded that we actually like each other. Of course, we have four more weeks to go, so that could change, but so far, so good.
As for fresh insight into old problems, it's amazing how quickly the gloom and doom mindset disappears once one ceases to be constantly enmeshed in the daily routine of visiting news and commentary websites. There's a whole wide wonderful world out there, and life goes on regardless of what foolish shenanigans the politicos are up to. For example, I heard that obama was going to send military aid to the Syrian rebels. Surely he wouldn't be so stupid as to give weapons to a group that includes al queda, a terrorist group sworn to destroy America ... would he...?
Anyway, we left Sydney today and have arrived in Adelaide. Sydney was wonderful. It's a lot like San Francisco, both geographically (a harbor surrounded by rolling hills) and culturally (diverse, eclectic, and historical). It's also quite pricey. I'm limited in what I can post (technology issues again - more on that later) but I'll hopefully have a more comprehensive post on our stay in Sydney in a few days.
Adelaide is quite different. It has more of a casual, college town feel. More room, slower pace, less hectic. We'll spend tomorrow exploring the town, and then touring the wine country the next day.
Details to follow...
No Bus Fare.
14 hours ago
Most people I've talked to and have visited both cities find Adelaide a real relaxing city as compared to a more cosmopolitan Sidney.
PS: Have you found an Shiner beer down under?
I am still having a hard time making sense of "Sydney was wonderful" and "Sydney reminded me of Houston".
Harper it's two different views. One on approach for landing after a long flight. The other after a few days lunch and dinner at the pubs. :)
Toejam - no Shiner (the local beer is fabulous) but I did go into one pub where they had Miller Genuine Draft on tap. Go figure...
Harper - Mel got it right. The Houston comparison was based on the first impression of landing and then taking a dirty crowded expressway downtown during rush hour. That was quickly forgotten after a couple of days/pubs...
Enjoy Adelaide, great food! Remember VB is called Navy beer down there, since that was the brand that ended up on Navy ships... (Not the best beer)...
NFO - you're right. I was unimpressed with VB. After much research I've settled on either Coopers Lager or Carlton Fraught. Both are very good IMO.
Oops - that should be Carlton Draught, not Fraught...
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