I dropped by my doctor's office yesterday for my annual physical. While I was sitting in the waiting room a little old lady came in. She stood about 5' 4" or so, and I'd guesstimate her to weigh in at somewhere between 110-120 pounds. Her skin was tanned and leathery. The muscles in her arms and legs were long and lean. They were the kind of muscles that you get from work, not working out. I'd put her age in the late 50s or early 60s.
She walked up to the receptionist and apologized for coming in without an appointment, but said she was a little worried. I wasn't trying to listen, but it's a small room and she had a strong voice.
Turns out she was lifting a wagon off a baby goat (!) when she felt something "pop" in her side. She said she took a couple of aspirin, but it still hurt. She also said that it really hurt "something awful" when she coughed.
The receptionist checked the schedule and said she might be able to work her in later that afternoon. The little old lady said thank you, and then asked if the receptionist had a kleenex. The receptionist gave her one, and the little old lady promptly went through a body-shaking wracking spasm of coughing. When she was done there was blood on the kleenex.
The receptionist immediately sat the little old lady down and called the doctor, who called an ambulance and sent her off to the ER with what he suspected was a broken rib and a punctured lung.
And the little old lady was trying to cure that with a couple of aspirin.
They raise 'em tough around here...
Face of Fear.
22 hours ago
That they do... And she would probably have waited without complaint too!
She was apologizing for disturbing everyone. We need more people like her.
Wait till ObamaCare kicks in for real.
That little old lady will be told:
"Go home take two asprin and call us in a week or so."
When living in Northern NM, we took a mare to a ranch in Cimarron to have the horse bred. The lady that ran the huge ranch, was carrying her daughter on one hip, stopped to grab a 5 gallon water container with her other hand, and walked us out to show us her stallion. She was awesome.
Glad to see that she was not sent home, and I hope she has a full recovery.
I raised my kids to "rub some dirt on it" and get about your business. The boy cracked his head so many times the ER nurse taught us how to sew the wound shut with his hair so we would not have to come in anymore. Bruises were medals.
I may have gone to far though, the boy came home with a 6" gash on his leg and duct tape over it. The doctor had to numb the entire area just to get the duct tape off before stitches. So much for my pre-med 101 class.
Lou - Know what you mean. Those ranch women are amazing.
Jeff - duct tape rules!!!
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