The Kennedys inherited their wealth and John Kerry married into his wealth, and both are loved.What a sad -- and insightful -- commentary on where we are as a people.
However Mitt Romney, who earned his wealth, is loathed and scorned.
Go figure.
Little Neros.
10 hours ago
"Political Public Relations, better know as PPR, it's the wave of the future young man, get into it early and you'll make a killing!" said the rich man to the graduate.
(Geeze... the world sure has changed. Whatever happened to 'plastics'? Oh well, one thing's still the same: Here's to you Mrs. Robinson;-)
PS: My Significant Other has a thing about calling the Commie Media the Main Stream Media (MSM), don't tell her I said so but I think she's right.
You really don't need PR hacks when the MSM (or Lame Stream Media, or Commie Media, or whatever you want to call it) is on your side. Thank goodness we have the Internet to spread our won lies, rumors, and gossip.
Funny, people will pay anything for 'priceless' information and nothing for the 'worthless' stuff. Maybe that little fact, in and of itself, explains a lot about the decline in cirrculation of newspapers and magazines (et al) - it ain't so much the medium but the media. Think maybe it also explains a little about the decline in ticket sales and rentals for movies, and the fall off in viewers for TV programming? What's the price of junk? What's the price of gold? The fatter the cat the bigger the rats. You really have to want something bad to get off your fat ass and go get it. Guess we got too much welfare of all types in this country.
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