Tuesday, April 30, 2013

FOD 2013.04.30 Tuesday Version - Part II

Insightful comment from the Wall Street Journal (actually, a reader of the WSJ) regarding the obama's failed sequester, as exemplified by the FAA furlough mess.
So far I haven't seen any commentary on the correlation between Mr. Obama's training as a community organizer and the sequester fiasco. Community organizers' main efforts are to stir up public sentiment to achieve special goals without implementing any solutions. Solutions are the province of someone else. The present administration has used this tactic endlessly, most noticeably with the White House tour shutdown during spring break and now flight-controller furloughs. This is definitely not an effort to solve problems but rather an attempt to stampede citizens to a desired result. We don't need a community organizer in the White House. We need an executive...
Hits the nail square on the head, wot?


jeffli6 said...

About time some press decided grow a pair.

CenTexTim said...

Enjoy it while you can. obama's press conference today was a joke.

Old NFO said...

That it does... And goes double for the gun banners...

CenTexTim said...

I caught glimpses of MSNBC this morning while channel-surfing. Every time I went past there they had someone talking about the Newtown shootings and how we need more gun control laws. It was like an all-morning political advertisement.

And they call that a news network? GMAFB.