Following up on the question about why Hillary threw herself under the bus in regards to the Benghazi fiasco - why would she put herself in position to get blamed for the lack of security that led to the deaths of our ambassador to Libya and three other U.S. citizens? Neither she nor Bill are known for their altruism, so the question remains: what's in it for her?
I think I have the answer.
If obama wins reelection (God help us all...) then I predict that sometime between the election and the inauguration Biden will resign for 'health reasons' (everyone is sick of him) and obama will pick Hillary to take his place. That positions her perfectly for a 2016 run for the presidency.
It also puts her one heartbeat away from the presidency in 2013.
barry better be careful ... very, very careful...
Just One More.
18 hours ago
I understand obumma drinks bottled water from China and "Hill" hasn't had a glass of water in 4 1/2 years.
Would that The Bard of Avon were with us today, he would have us in tears and stitches.
"Come, gentlemen, I hope we shall drink down all unkindness."
I kind of like your prediction. I think she would be better than Obama.
I just can't fathom why she did this. Does she truly feel responsible? Does she think that it improves her chances in 2016? I think that she might resign as Secretary rather soon - making some political statement along the way, either through her words or her silence, and then run in 2016.
I have no doubts as to the size of Hil's huevos, but sheesh, isn't she tired of being portrayed as the president's doormat? At least Bill was only screwing a couple of people while Hil put on a brave face. Obama's screwing us all.
Yeah, scary but it makes 'sense' from a political position, and I can see Bubba's hand in this...
I heard one commentator ask how we could expect Hillary to know what's going on in the Middle East when she didn't even know what was going on in the Oval Office between Bill and Monica...?
Big dif between acting smart (obumma) and being stupid; and being smart (Rod'Em) and acting stupid. Have no doubt she told Bill to get-off and stay-off when she got prego, and to never embarass her with his hobby.
If you had a real nice travel job but your boss told you to just shake hands and not make anyone mad, think you might make friends with a lot of nice folks who could do you a favor or two in a few years?
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