The weather today is just absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Combine that with a bit of a hangover from Spring Break (figuratively speaking, not literally) and I've got a serious case of spring fever.
There's only one cure - Road Trip!
Bite Me.
10 hours ago
I needs me a road trip... 36 hours of meetings this week! I'm going @$&%* stir crazy!!!
Meetings are a form of Chinese water torture. What a waste of time...
TGIR - Thank God I'm Retired.
When I was working meetings were called to bolster the "boss's" EGO.
Most males would prance, gestulate, attempt cute, one-liners and loudly orate for 2-hours while everyone in the audience tried to stiffle yawns, giggles and acerbic retorts.
Women bosses were, for the most part, just the opposite, which was equally repulsive. All business, down to facts while sitting behind a desk and occasionally flashing a progress chart.
Of all the things I will miss about work when I retire, meetings have to be at the end of the list...
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