I'll be somewhat busy this week, what with Thanksgiving and all. The kids will be home from college, the clan is gathering at our place, we're having some work done on the house ... well, you get the picture.
To lighten the load a little the next few posts will primarily be pictures, with minimum verbiage.
Today's pictorial commentary concerns the plight of the Syrian refugees, fleeing from wretched living conditions and an uncertain future. If only there was someplace that spoke their language, shared their culture, and would welcome them with open arms...
Many liberals are castigating Western nations for not being more willing to welcome Syrian refugees. Left unanswered is the following question.
The refugees' plight is inextricably tied to a recent surge in terrorist activity.
There is something else inextricably tied to the recent surge in terrorist activity. Any ideas what it might be?
If we are truly engaged in a religious war, I know which God I want on our side.
Does She or Doesn’t She?
22 hours ago
My husband took M-T-W off so he could work on the house. Nothing like the pressure of Thanksgiving at your house to get things done.
I spent half of a day splitting wood that I had all summer to do...
Yep, catch up time... At least you're not doing it Dec 24th! :-)
Good point!
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