Our daughter turned 15 last Thursday. Since school ended we haven't seen her before noon, but on the day after her birthday she was up at 7:00 a.m. Why? Because here in Texas you can get a learner's driving permit at 15, and she didn't want to waste a minute in getting hers.
She's a pretty good kid - gets good grades, stays out of trouble, does charity and volunteer work - but she has a stubborn streak a mile wide and, like most teenagers, is convinced that she knows everything. Attempts to tell her something are met with heavy sighs and rolling eyes. So the next few months of teaching her how to drive will be challenging, to say the least.
My wife has already bailed from the task. Since she's the good cop and I'm the bad cop in our family, she's decided that I'll be the one who gets sacrificed (did I mention the kid also has a bit if a temper and is a karate black belt?).
So be on the lookout for a 1995 Ford pickup with a black brushguard weaving down the road at a high rate of speed, with a white-faced passenger yelling at the red-faced driver and the driver yelling back. If you see it coming the safest place is in the ditch...
Seeing is Believing.
4 hours ago
I have a friend that has a bumper sticker that says "Caution Teenage Driver...and Screaming Parent"
Wish my daughter had the same initiative, she is going to have to renew her learner's permit because she is so reluctant to learn.
Mad Maxine?
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