I'm in the mood today for something from that little ol' band from Texas. Enjoy...
Blonde Ambition.
22 hours ago
"We have met the enemy, and he is us." - Pogo
Call for Papers
2013 Mustang International Academic Conference
Las Vegas, Nevada
The Conference will provide ... academicians an opportunity to share their research and works in progress with members inside and outside their disciplines.Most conferences have a highfaluting name (e.g., the International Conference on Computer Systems and Industrial Informatics). Unfortunately, the name this group chose for themselves has other connotations - especially given the conference's Nevada location. I'd have a hard time (*hah*) sneaking that through on my expense report.
The owner of the infamous Mustang Ranch brothel recently became the first of his kind to win election to public office in Nevada since prostitution was legalized here in 1971. He won a seat as a Storey County commissioner by a wide margin.They say politics make strange bedfellows. At least in this case when his constituents get screwed it's literal, not figurative.
Him: "We need a new alarm clock."
Her: "I need a new vibrator."
Well, now you can have BOTH! The Little Rooster is an alarm clock AND a vibrator!
Yes, ladies, with this remarkable product you just set the time you want to wake up, put it in your panties, and go to bed...And the snooze button is to die for!
If you wake up at night wondering what time it is, no need to look at the nightstand: Now you can simply check your crotch!
As mayor of the town of Tiquicheo, Maria Santos Gorrostieta defied the area’s drug cartels, once baring her scars from two assassination attempts to rally support for her war on drugs.
Her body was found mutilated in a ditch this month, days after she was abducted.
Courageous Mexican mayor Maria Santos Gorrostieta cheated death twice when she survived assassination attempts by druglords — but three times was too much.
Gorrostieta, dubbed a “heroine of the 21st century” for her refusal to be cowed by the ruthless cartels that rule much of Mexico, was kidnapped in broad daylight this month after leaving her home in the town of Morelia.
Gorrostieta, mayor of the town of Tiquicheo from 2008 to 2011, had previously had a police escort and government security assigned to her.
But despite the two ambushes — which killed her husband and left her horribly scarred — her protection was pulled after she left office.
Five days after her disappearance, farm workers found Gorrostieta’s body — stabbed, burned and beaten — in a roadside ditch in the town of San Juan Tararameo.
Her relatives identified the body of the mother of three the next day.
Gorrostieta, a doctor who studied medicine in a university in Morelia, began getting threats after she ran for mayor of Tiquicheo and was elected as a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party in 2008.She had to know what was coming, especially after her protective detail was cancelled. But she didn't run, she didn't hide. She carried on with her life. Her last act was to protect her daughter.
She ignored the threats — at her own peril. In October 2009, her car was attacked by gunmen in the town of El Limone. Her husband, José Sanchez — who had escaped a showdown with an armed mob that year — died in the fusillade.
Gorrostieta was seriously wounded but soon returned to work, as defiant as ever.
Three months later, in January 2010, she was attacked again, this time on a road between the states of Guerrero and Michoacan as she headed to a meeting.
Gunmen with assault rifles fired 30 bullets at her van. Three hit her, leaving serious wounds. Her brother and a reporter were wounded.
After the second attack, she considered quitting — but couldn’t. She said she had an obligation to her town of 13,000-plus people as well as to the memory of her slain husband.
“At another stage in my life, perhaps I would have resigned from what I have, my position, my responsibilities as the leader of my Tiquicheo,” she said.
“But today, no.”
“It is not possible for me to surrender when I have three children whom I have to educate by setting an example,” she said.
“And also because of the memory of the man of my life, the father of my three little ones, the one who was able to teach me the value of things and to fight for them.”
She was driving her daughter to school when thugs in another vehicle blocked her white van. They pulled her out and began kicking and beating her in front of passers-by.Here in the U.S. we see spineless politicians flip-flopping every day for their own benefit. I can count on the thumb of one hand the number of weasels currently in office that have the courage of their convictions - the willingness to stand and fight for what they believe in, regardless of the political consequences.
The 36-year-old mother begged the men to spare her girl and appeared to get into the thugs’ vehicle voluntarily, witnesses said.
Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) says members of Congress "earn" their $174,000 per year salary (plus benefits) and that this compensation is “not elaborate."Yeah, right.
"The benefits and salary that we get, we earn," Johnson said at the Annesbrooks HOA Candidate Forum in Georgia in October. "It’s not elaborate, it’s just a bunch of poppycock that a lot of people have spread around trying to get us to hate our own government and our government representatives.”
Bill Maher on Chris Christie:"I can actually embrace this guy."The latest leftist loser to worship at the Christie alter is none other than Baba Wawa.
Chris Mathews on Chris Christie:“Well, the man has style.”
(Barbara Walters) was filming "10 Most Fascinating People" — a list Gov. Chris Christie is on this year.GMAFB.
Walters says she finds Christie "pleasant, smart, funny" and "good-natured." She says the governor made the list because of his handling of Hurricane Sandy and because "he’s probably now the best-known governor in America."
The campaign seeks to stop federal programs, especially No Child Left Behind, that test students in order to chart their progress and determine effectiveness of teachers. Unions have generally fought against using anything other than seniority as a benchmark of teacher skill. Thus, the irony: a major teachers union has come out foursquare against finding out whether American kids are indeed learning.Amen to that. Recall that testing was a response to the growing problem of public school underperformance and the resulting ‘social promotion’ of kids who couldn’t read, write, or do ‘rithmatic (see Why Johnny Can’t Read ).
While testing is not without legitimate criticism … the “obsession” with it that (the union president) describes has happened because parents and lawmakers want to find out whether student are actually learning and what works and what doesn’t. It is becoming increasingly clear that the union-dominated public school model doesn’t work so well…
His popularity surging because of his handling of Sandy, Gov. Chris Christie announced Monday that he will seek re-election...His popularity may be surging among certain factions of the electorate, but not any factions that I give a damn about.
Bill Maher on Chris Christie: ‘I can actually embrace this guy’Chris Christie gets another high-profile endorsement: MSNBC’s Chris Matthews
“Well, the man has style,” Matthews said.The only style I see is that of a self-serving short-sighted political hack whose biggest concern is getting his fat butt re-elected.
His lavish praise for Mr. Obama’s response to the storm, delivered in the last days of the presidential race, represented the most dramatic development in the campaign’s final stretch. Right or wrong, conventional wisdom in the party holds that it influenced the outcome.I don't think Christie's back-stabbing embrace of obama made the difference in the election -- the democrats stole enough votes to win without him -- but it revealed his true character.
It is only two weeks since his re-election, and his second term remains two months away, but Barack Obama is already blundering again on the world stage, with the kind of gaffes that would have been plastered on the front page of The New York Times if they had been committed by George W. Bush when he was in the White House.Not just the NYT, but practically every daily paper and TV 'news' program.
In his tour of Burma .. it was clear he was in way over his head, even on small things. Obama repeatedly referred to the country's Nobel Peace Prize-winning leader Aung San Suu Kyi as Aung Yan Suu Kyi, an astonishing error given her global fame.Hell, he couldn't even get the name of the country right.
He also bungled the norms of Burmese polite address, calling Thein Sein, the nation's leader "President Sein," an error comparable to addressing Cambodia's Pol Pot as Mr. Pot.
In addition ... Obama was quick to use the Burmese regime’s preferred word “Myanmar”, to describe Burma, which is not the term officially used by the US government...But that's not the worst part.
The trip highlight for Obama, however, was visiting Aung San Suu Kyi, the world-famous dissident who actually did something to earn the Nobel Peace Prize, unlike some recipients. She underwent years of isolation, oppression and house arrest while speaking out for democracy in her now moderating homeland.Shades of Bill Clinton.
She consented to appear jointly with the president on her front porch. Both spoke briefly, she more cautiously than he.
Eager to take advantage of such a photo opportunity before the world media, Obama leaned in for a little kiss, as a Chicago pol might at a South Side rally where women would squeal for a presidential peck. Obama is a big political kisser. He kisses females everywhere. Introduce him at a rally, you get a kiss. Hug too, probably. He knows the ladies love it.
But Asia ain't Hyde Park. Public kissing, even between husband and wife, is rarely seen. Between a man and woman not married it's downright outrageous, even scandalous. So Obama's presumably affectionate but impolite, totally out of place smooch created an international moment more awkward than a first date.
On his trip to Cambodia, a country he claimed didn't deserve a visit due to its strongman government, first lady Bun Rany greeted Obama with a traditional "sampeah" pressed-hands greeting reserved for servants, a little dig that was probably lost on him but not to Asians.
So what is really Obama's tour about? Apparently a get-out-of-town photo-op all about himself as a means of avoiding pressing problems back home. The Asians deserve better — and so do the Americans.But not to worry, folks. obama made it back to the good ol' U.S. of A. right before Thanksgiving, just in time to pardon two turkeys.
A buxom woman has been accused of trying to kill her lawyer boyfriend… with her 38DD breasts.At least she wasn't charged with possession of a concealed weapon.
Franziska, 33 from Germany, who weighs nine stone is accused of ‘attempted manslaughter with a weapon’ after her 13-stone boyfriend claimed she tried to smother him with her breasts and pretend it was a sex game.
‘She was sitting on me naked and I was kissing her breasts. Suddenly she grabbed my head and pushed between her breasts with all of her force.
'I couldn't breathe any more, I must have turned blue. I couldn't tear myself free and I thought I was going to die.'
He said that with his last reserves of strength he had managed to extricate himself from the woman's vice-like grip and fled naked to a neighbour and demanded he called the police.
‘It is clear she wanted to kill me,’ he said. ‘She even admitted it to me on the telephone. I asked her why she wanted to smother me to death with her breasts and she told me: "Treasure – I wanted your death to be as pleasurable as possible."’
On this day in 1983... A man died.(H/T to Dr. Grumpy for the Sex on the Piano story.)
Okay, so I'm sure a lot of people left us on November 23rd, 1983. But this man deserves to be commemorated. Not for how he lived, but how he died.
James "Jimmy the Beard" Ferrozzo was 40 years old, but had a tough reputation from working in the strip clubs of San Francisco's North Beach area. At the time of his death he was the assistant manager of The Condor Club, which remains in operation today.
The Condor was America's first topless club, and was made famous by Carol Doda. She was among the first topless dancers (and definitely the first bottomless) in the area, and unquestionably one of the most famous strippers ever. She built the reputation of the club (which hosted several visiting dignitaries during the 1964 Republican convention), and for many years The Condor's sign featured a full length picture of her with flashing red lights on her silicone-enhanced size 44 chest.
Her act began in dramatic fashion. She'd enter the theater from above, lying on a white, velvet-covered baby grand piano. It slowly descended from the ceiling and moved to the stage, where she took it off- all off.
Back to my story:
We don't know exactly what happened on that fateful night 29 years ago, between The Condor Club's closing time and when a janitor came to clean up in the morning.
James Ferrozzo was dating a 23 year old stripper named Teresa Hill. Sometime after the club closed the 2 of them climbed on top of the piano, I assume to make sure it was tuned. They apparently hadn't started, as his body was fully clothed when found (she wasn't wearing quite as much).
Somehow, likely due to their legs hitting the switch, the piano turned on, and began rising toward the ceiling. Distracted with other activities, neither Mr. Ferrozzo nor Miss Hill noticed the slow change in altitude.
When the janitor arrived at 7:00 that morning, he heard Mrs. Hill screaming and called the San Francisco police and fire department.
James Ferrozzo was dead, crushed against the ceiling, and was still on top of Miss Hill, who was lying on the piano.
Miss Hill was alive, but trapped. Attempts to lower the piano were unsuccessful, as its motor had burned out during the night. The fire department had to destroy it in order to free the young lady. She was taken to a local hospital, and treated for bruises.
Due to intoxication, Miss Hill had no recollection of the evening's events, or even of getting on the piano at all. She remembered having been in the club that night, and then waking up pinned between the late Mr. Ferrozzo and the piano.
Mr. Ferrozzo was determined to have died of asphyxiation from being crushed between the club's ceiling, a nude dancer, and a moving velvet-covered piano. His large frame (6'2", 220 lbs.) is likely what saved Miss Hill's life, as it provided several inches of cushioning between her and the roof.
Today Carol Doda runs a lingerie shop in San Francisco, and still performs as a singer/dancer (with her clothes on) at local restaurants.
Teresa Hill vanished into anonymity, and likely lives in modern suburbia. She's probably grateful not to remember much of the night, and may not own a piano.
The Condor Club is still in business, albeit after some ownership changes. The drink menu now includes a concoction named "Sex on the Piano" in Mr. Ferrozzo's memory.
Jamie Walsh faced a Black Friday dilemma: take advantage of Wal-Mart’s deals at the Salem, New Hampshire, store or support union-backed protesters demanding better pay and benefits. In the end, the deals won the day.And why are their prices so good? Because Wal-Mart isn't unionized.
Walsh, 42, wearing a sweatshirt from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2222, where her late brother-in-law was vice president, said she was aware of the union protests planned at Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT) locations around the country today. Still, she decided to (shop there today).
“It bothers me, but their prices are so good,” said Walsh...
The real story is the story of two unions, the Teamsters and the Bakery union of the AFL-CIO. Here's where things get interesting.Ridiculous.
Start with the fact that Hostess's bakery operations are relatively efficient ... Hostess's production costs were neither excessive nor out of line with the market but its distribution costs were...
Union-imposed work rules stopped drivers from helping to load their trucks. A separate worker, arriving at the store in a separate vehicle, had to be employed to shift goods from a storage area to a retailer's shelf. Wonder Bread and Twinkies couldn't ride on the same truck.
The old-time legendary labor leader John L. Lewis called so many strikes in the coal mines that many people switched to using oil instead, because they couldn't depend on coal deliveries. A professor of labor economics at the University of Chicago called John L. Lewis "the world's greatest oil salesman."
There is no question that Lewis' United Mine Workers Union raised the pay and other benefits for coal miners. But the higher costs of producing coal not only led many consumers to switch to oil, these costs also led coal companies to substitute machinery for labor, reducing the number of miners.
By the 1960s, many coal-mining towns were almost ghost towns. But few people connected the dots back to the glory years of John L. Lewis. The United Mine Workers Union did not kill the goose that laid the golden eggs, but it created a situation where fewer of those golden eggs reached the miners.
It was much the same story in the automobile industry and the steel industry, where large pensions and costly work rules drove up the prices of finished products and drove down the number of jobs.
Consumers in the private sector have the option of buying products and services from competing, non-union companies -- from Toyota instead of General Motors, for example, even though most Toyotas sold in America are made in America. Consumers of other products can buy things made in non-union factories overseas.For the most part, those non-union products are less expensive, and often of higher quality. Compare Toyota reliability to GM, for example.
Toyota Motor Corp. is selling the most reliable cars in the U.S. auto market, Consumer Reports said Monday.But there is one sector where union growth and influence has been increasing, and the consumer has no choice.
The top seven spots in this year’s predicted reliability report are all held by Japanese brands.
...unions are flourishing among people who work for government. No matter how much these public sector unions drive up costs, government agencies do not go out of business. They simply go back to the taxpayers for more money.Like so many other government programs, the poor taxpayer is now expected to subsidize fat-cat union members who receive pay and benefits far in excess of what they deserve.
...government agencies are monopolies. You cannot get your Social Security checks from anywhere except the Social Security Administration or your driver's license from anywhere but the DMV.
Is it surprising that government employees have seen their pay go up, even during the downturn, and their pensions rise to levels undreamed of in the private sector? None of this will kill the goose that lays the golden egg, so long as there are both current taxpayers and future taxpayers to pay off debts passed on to them.
Doug Mansky, a Hostess driver in Detroit and a member of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, was in the process of moving to a cheaper condominium on Tuesday, after his union had agreed to an 8% pay cut that he said would shave $200 a week from his income. After Judge Drain cleared Hostess to impose the same new labor terms on the bakers union, they went on strike.Now do the math. If an 8% pay cut = $200 weekly, then his annual salary was around $130,000. And that's not counting benefits.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton still plans to step down as America's top diplomat despite President Barack Obama's re-election, but will ensure a smooth transition, US officials said Wednesday.Her successor? Good question.
Current US ambassador to United Nations, Susan Rice, had been seen as one possible successor, but her reputation might now be tarnished over the fallout from the militant attack on the US mission in Benghazi, eastern Libya.Rice either lied about the circumstances of that attack, or was gullible enough to believe the video song-and-dance that obama's reelection team fed her. Either way, she's demonstrated that she is unfit for the job.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton would have been the White House's logical choice to discuss the chaotic events in the Middle East. But administration officials said she was drained after a harrowing week consoling the families of those who died...GMAFB. More accurately, she spent the week using the families -- and bodies -- of those who died as props in a series of photo ops.
Few details of Ms Clinton's visit on Wednesday and Thursday have been revealed, but it is understood she will visit close friends...Other highlights of her trip:
JAY LENO: I tell you, Rickey, the economy is not good. It's not good at all.A few more non-Leno "the economy is so bad" jokes:
RICKEY MINOR: How bad is it, Jay?
LENO: The stock market is going down faster than a general's biographer.
The economy is so bad Paula Broadwell is now being forced to sleep with only three star generals.
The economy is so bad MSNBC had to lay off 300 Obama spokesmen.
The economy is so bad that even people who aren't in Barack Obama's cabinet aren't paying taxes.
The economy is so bad that wives are having sex with their husbands because they can't afford batteries.
The economy is so bad that when Bill and Hillary travel together, they now have to share a room.
A judge's offer to allow an Ohio drug defendant the chance to stay out of prison if he'd give up marijuana might have just gone up in smoke.There was no word on Mitchell's response to news that Twinkies would disappear from the market, thanks to selfish and short-sighted unions.
Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge Melba Marsh says she was astonished by the response from 19-year-old Damaine Mitchell on Wednesday.
... Mitchell told the judge he likes smoking weed and staying off it so he could stay out of prison would be "a challenge." He told the judge he could try to quit but made a request: Could he "at least get one more joint in?"
The judge quickly said no.
Hostess, the makers of Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Wonder Bread, is going out of business after striking workers failed to heed a Thursday deadline to return to work, the company said.Bummer, dude.
“We deeply regret the necessity of today’s decision, but we do not have the financial resources to weather an extended nationwide strike,” Hostess CEO Gregory F. Rayburn said in announcing that the firm had filed a motion with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to shutter its business. “Hostess Brands will move promptly to lay off most of its 18,500-member workforce..."
"Most employees who lose their jobs should be eligible for government-provided unemployment benefits," Hostess said.Of course they will. Paid for by the rest of us non-union working schmucks who are just happy to have a job in these challenging times.
“What’s happening with Hostess Brands is a microcosm of what’s wrong with America, as Bain-style Wall Street vultures make themselves rich by making America poor,” (AFL-CIO President Richard) Trumka said in a public statement. “Crony capitalism and consistently poor management drove Hostess into the ground, but its workers are paying the price.”
In 1962, the government regulated the price and route of every airplane, every freight train, every truck and every merchant ship in the United States. The government regulated the price of natural gas. It regulated the interest on every checking account and the commission on every purchase or sale of stock. Owning a gold bar was a serious crime that could be prosecuted under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The top rate of income tax was 91%.
It was illegal to own a telephone. Phones had to be rented from the giant government-regulated monopoly that controlled all telecommunications in the United States. All young men were subject to the military draft and could escape only if they entered a government-approved graduate course of study...
...the United States of 2012 is a freer country in almost every way than the United States of 1962.
We all know that General David Petraeus resigned his job as head of the CIA because he was caught having an affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell. But we are now discovering his resignation may have to do with much more than his relationship with Ms Broadwell. According to an exclusive report by Newsbusted Anchor Jodi Miller (in the video below) we learn that Petraeus has decided to throw his hat in the ring for the 2016 presidential nomination.
When asked if the still not settled scandal would prevent him from running, the General answered, "Heck No, I am running as a Democrat."Now it all makes sense...
Imagine a country on election day where you know the results the instant the polls close. The votes are counted electronically, every district and state has the same rules and the same organized voting procedure. It is managed by a non-partisan independent body. Sounds like the greatest democracy in the world, right? Try Mexico. Or France, Germany, Brazil. Certainly not the United States of America.My God. Places like France, Mexico, and even Brazil do a better job than we do. Why are we so behind the curve? Good question. Here's one explanation.
America has one of the world’s most antique, politicized and dysfunctional procedures for its elections. A crazy quilt patchwork of state and local laws with partisan officials making key decisions and ancient technology that often breaks down. There are no national standards. American voters in more than a dozen states, for example, don’t need ID. But even India, with a GDP just 12 percent that of ours, is implementing a national biometric database for 1.2 billion voters. The nascent democracy in Iraq famously dipped voters’ fingers in purple to ensure they didn't vote again. Why are we so behind the curve?
...here's what doesn't happen in other democracies:
Get the politicians out of the process. Makes sense to me.Politicians of one party do not set voting schedules to favor their side and harm the other. Politicians do not move around voting places to gain advantages for themselves or to disadvantage their opponents. In fact, in almost no other country do politicians have any say in the administration of elections at all.
Last week, international election observers were banned from nine states. Some of these men and women were threatened with arrest. Maybe we should start learning from election officials from abroad, not try to throw them into jail.At this point I'm eating my earlier words. But at least I'm washing them down with some cold Shiners...
The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending. The citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it's citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.Sign.
FEMA disaster recovery centers in Hurricane Sandy-ravaged sections of the city that were supposed to provide assistance to hurricane victims went MIA Wednesday morning, posting signs saying that they were closed due to the approaching Nor'easter.
Mr. Obama will now have to govern the America he so relentlessly sought to divide—and without a mandate beyond the powers of the Presidency. Democrats will hold the Senate, perhaps with an additional seat or two. But Republicans held the House comfortably, so their agenda was hardly repudiated. The two sides will have to reach some compromise on the tax cliff, the spending sequester and the debt limit, but Speaker John Boehner can negotiate knowing he has as much of a mandate as the President.In other words, gridlock will remain in place. And in thwarting at least some of obama's agenda, gridlock is our friend. Yes, he will try to rule with executive fiat, and yes, Harry Reid and his pack of thieves in the senate will be as unprincipled and unscrupulous as we expect, but at least obama and his goons will have to operate under some constraints.
Some of our conservative friends will argue that Mr. Obama's victory thus represents a decline in national virtue and a tipping point in favor of the "takers" over the makers. They will say the middle class chose Mr. Obama's government blandishments over Mr. Romney's opportunity society. We don't think such a narrow victory of an incumbent President who continues to be personally admired justifies such a conclusion.I gagged over the "personally admired" nonsense, but other than that the point is well made. It was a narrow victory. I'll leave it to others to delve into the reasons why, but the bottom line is that we remain a nation divided -- essentially split down the middle -- which offers a bit of hope for the future. The electoral vote is misleadingly one-sided. The popular vote is a more accurate reflection of where the American people stand.
My counsel to you tonight: Please, do not be bitter. Do not fall prey to the Beltway blame game. Do not get mired in small things. Do not become vengeful creatures like our political opponents who voted out of spite instead of love of country.Amen.
We still have boundless blessings to count — and to secure.
I remain a proud, unrepentant believer in the American Dream. And I know you do, too. Freedom will endure because we will keep fighting for it. We can’t afford not to, friends.