A tide of national unhappiness and disenchantment with Washington has been building all year and proving a threat to incumbents of both parties.
Good! We should vote ALL incumbents out of office. Ignore what the republican incumbents are saying, and look at their track record. If they've been feeding at the public trough more than a couple of terms they should be terminated (note to Big Bro - that's a figurative statement, not a literal one).
Case in point: my congresscritter is Lamar Smith (R-TX 21st district). He's been in office for 30 years. If you go down a list of issues one by one (illegal immigration, health care, taxes, 2nd amendment, etc.) he and I probably agree on 90+% of them. But if you look at his total body of work, he's part of the problem, not the solution.
Since he's been in office personal freedom has decreased, taxes have increased, the deficit has increased, government regulation has increased ... well, you get the idea. Sorry, Lamar, but you haven't gotten the job done. Time for you to move on. Nothing personal.
There's a lot of optimism out there regarding the fall elections. People seem to think that because the polls indicate that the dems are in trouble, control of the house, and possibly the senate, may shift to the repubs. That's better than the alternative, but it's not what we need. We need new blood in D.C. that will get rid of 'business as usual.'
Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon, regardless of which party gains or loses seats this election cycle.
No Bus Fare.
13 hours ago
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