Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hillary Throws Herself Under The Bus

Amateur Hour at the White House.

First there are reports of escalating tension between obama and the Clintons:
With tensions between President Obama and the Clintons at a new high, former President Bill Clinton is moving fast to develop a contingency plan for how his wife, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, should react if Obama attempts to tie the Benghazi fiasco around her neck, according to author Ed Klein.

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller, Klein said sources close to the Clintons tell him that Bill Clinton has assembled an informal legal team to discuss how the Secretary of State should deal with the issue of being blamed for not preventing the Benghazi terrorist attack last month.

Klein said relations between the Clintons and President Obama have reached a new low, most recently with Obama ignoring Bill Clinton’s offer to help him and Vice President Joe Biden prepare for the debates with the Republican ticket.

“He had very clear ideas on how they should do that,” Klein told TheDC. “He never once got a response. And it absolutely sent him into orbit. He was furious that he would be treated this way, especially after what he did, in his view, at the Democratic convention in giving that nomination speech for Obama.”

Added Klein: “His fury turned to deep concern when the Benghazi business unfolded because he was deeply troubled by the appearance that the White House was going to throw Hillary under the bus, which in fact it appears it is doing.”

The author said the situation is obviously complicated by Obama’s re-election, but also the possibility that Hillary would run in 2016.

“If she is left with this stain on her reputation, it could seriously damage her chances for election,” Klein told TheDC. “And this is what is really bothering Bill more than anything.”
We all know that Bill would do just about anything to get back in the White House, even as First Hubby, because that would give him renewed access to a whole new bevy of fresh young interns.

But suddenly, out of nowhere and on the eve of tonight's Presidential debate, Hillary threw herself under the Benghazi bus.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the buck stops with her when it comes to who is to blame for security ahead of a deadly assault on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya.

"I take responsibility" for what happened on September 11, Clinton said in an interview with CNN's Elise Labott soon after arriving in Lima, Peru, for a visit. The interview, one of a series given to U.S. television networks Monday night, was the first she has given about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.

Clinton insisted President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are not involved in security decisions.

Clinton also sought to downplay the criticism that administration officials continued to say the attack was a spontaneous product of a protest over an anti-Muslim film, a theory that has since been discarded.
Something about this just reeks to the high heavens. I don't know what obama promised the Clintons -- or more likely, what he used to blackmail them -- but the timing makes Hillary's mea culpa highly suspicious.

I just hope that Romney's staff is sharp enough to dig out this quote from obama. In an interview on July 13, 2012, barry said:
"Well, here's what I know, we were just talking about responsibility and as president of the United States, it's pretty clear to me that I'm responsible for folks who are working in the federal government and you know, Harry Truman said the buck stops with you."
Bottom line - four Americans are dead on the obama/Clinton watch. Yesterday's post now seems even more appropriate.


  1. While I agree, I have this little voice telling me "All is not what it seems!" I have no doubt that Slick Willie and Hillary "Rod'Em" Clinton have a few suprises in their kits for the Kid from Chicago and his herd of misanthropes. Not saying obumma's going to be a one term President and Hill will be the Dem nominee in 4 years after a Romney/Ryan term, not saying that at all, but the bookies in London sure are. Obumma is toast, burnt, moldy, stale, crumbly, four years in the bottom of the toaster, toast. He didn't 'elect' himself 4 years ago, he was elected by a machine run by Clinton & Co., a machine still run by Clinton & Co. When was the last Chicago Fire?

  2. Oh you haven't SEEN the start of the s**t flowing downhill. When you throw the intel professionals under the bus, you can bet there will be some 'leaks' that will get the truth out there in the next 3 weeks.

  3. Pascvaks - I think George Soros runs the machine.

    NFO - I hope you're right.

  4. And here I thought some Chinese guy bought him out years ago. (Hay.. maybe it's just Soros' skin covering a 32 year old Chinese Trillionaire?)

    I hope the spooks keep it quiet a little longer, don't want to pop any gross smelly bubbles; already having a hard enough time breathing under obumma's lack of integrity and leadership; don't want the kid to get a bunker mentality like adolf-what's-his-face.
