Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Debate Prediction

I said this after the first debate. I still think it's valid today.
"obama will do better next time -- he can hardly do worse -- and then his media puppets will proclaim that obama is back, obama won, obama has momentum, ad nauseam..."
I also think it's no secret that tonight's moderator, Candy Crowley, leans to the left. However, I expect her to be very subtle in how she exercises her bias. For example, the greatest favor she can do obama is to strictly enforce the time limit for his answers. The more time he has to ramble, the more he exposes his numerous shortcomings. By cutting him off she will appear to be doing her job impartially, while at the same time improving his performance.

Neat trick, if she can pull it off...


  1. Yeah, sadly I think you're right...

  2. Debate Results:

    Party Camps
    obumma camp - WIN! WIN! WIN!
    Romney Camp - WIN! WIN! WIN!

    News Media
    obumma - 5+
    Romney - 1

    PoliSci Profs
    obumma - 98%
    Romney - 2%

    Foreign Media (less Russia,China)
    obumma - 37
    Romney - 2

    Washington Consulates
    obumma - 74
    Romney - 0

    US Major Corporations
    obumma - 174
    Romney - 1

    US Hollywood Gay/Les
    obumma - 99.9%
    Romney - 0

    obumma - All, et al
    Romney - None

    Illegal Aliens
    obumma - All, et al
    Romney - None

    Chicago Dead Voters Society
    obumma - All, et whatever it takes
    Romney - None

    Conclusion: By all accounts obumma won.

    PS: Nearly forgot these little tid-bits, for what they're worth,

    'Undecided' Voters Deciding
    obumma - 15%
    Romney - 65%
    Still Thinking - 20%

    obumma - 5%
    Romney 100%

    obumma - 2%
    Romney -200%

  3. Could have been better, could have been worse. The only poll that matters takes place on Nov. 6.
