Monday, October 15, 2012

Bonus FOD 2012.10.15

A twofer- fuck obama and Hillary!

(idea from here)


  1. I don't know. Looks like their Doubles. I'm sure the WH security gurus were convinced that another Muslim Demonstration against that stupid movie (or whatever it was) was going to fly in on stealth brooms and blow Andrews off the map.

    How do I know?
    Look at Hill's hair --too neat.
    Look at the Prez's pants --too long.
    See the Arabic script along the upper right edge of the photo?
    It reads, "We surrender, don't shoot, Alah ackbar, etc., etc.."

  2. " I'm sure the WH security gurus were convinced that another Muslim Demonstration against that stupid movie (or whatever it was) was going to fly in on stealth brooms..."

    Good point. The marine guard is for barack and hillary, not for the dead Americans...

  3. No, that actually IS an Honor Guard from 8th and I...

  4. NFO - Yes, but they too were expendable. The only thing obumma was the slightest bit concerned about was the loss of his short Double, he was an undercover female Iranian General, she could play a fair game of golf and really made him look macho on the links.
