Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Take A Deep Breath

There's a lot of truth in this article.

Study: All American Problems Could Be Solved By Just Stopping And Thinking For Two Seconds
A study published Thursday by psychologists at the University of North Carolina concluded that all American problems—from stuck jacket zippers to the national debt—could be solved if citizens just stopped, took a deep breath, and thought for two seconds before they acted. "We found that in 93 percent of cases, a positive outcome could have been achieved if Americans simply splashed a little water on their faces prior to dealing with an unfair boss, being out of clean spoons, signing on to direct a second Wall Street film, or answering a call from a parent," Janet Mallory, the study's lead author, told reporters. "Our data indicate that when U.S. citizens don't take a second to compose themselves, they typically charge in like maniacs and hurt either themselves or several million Iraqi civilians." Mallory said a good rule of thumb for Americans is to think of a plan, stop, and then do the complete opposite.
Note that this is from The Onion. For those of you not familiar with it, The Onion is a website that features satirical articles and parodies of current news stories. IMO it leans a little to the left, but if we can't laugh at ourselves then we're no different from those stuffed-shirt know-it-all oxygen-wasters in D.C.

Besides, good satire contains an element of truth - especially the story posted above...

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