Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Death Is Too Good For Some People

If this guy is guilty of the crimes he is being charged with, then he is a poster child for capital punishment. The only question is how.

Police: Father with HIV raped his 6-month-old son
An HIV-positive father in Ohio was arrested on Saturday for raping his infant son, police say.

Lenny Love, 29, sexually assaulted his 6-month-old son in March knowing he was infected with the disease, according to cops in Silverton, Oh.

Love was charged with 2 counts of rape, 1 count of felonious assault and 1 count of marijuana possession.

He has reportedly admitted the assault.
Part of me leans towards a coldly efficient approach. Just dispatch him as quickly and emotionlessly as possible. Lethal injection is okay, although IMO hanging, the gas chamber, the electric chair, and a firing squad are all acceptable as well.

But another part of me wants him to really suffer for his (alleged) crimes. Again, the question is how. History is replete with gruesome means of execution. Here's one version of a Top 10 list of torturous execution methods (Caution - not for the sensitive or faint of heart).

I had no idea mankind could be so cruelly innovative.

After taking a couple of deep breaths, however (see previous post), I've decided to stick with the coldly efficient approach. It's no different than dispatching a cockroach or venomous snake. Just get the job done. This is a matter of justice and protecting society, not vengeance. That comes later.

"Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." (Romans 12:19, King James version)


  1. Your execution methods link is wonky, but I figured it out. Starvation works for me, as does covering with honey and introducing fire ants. I also like the thought of murderers being put to death in the same manner as their victims.

  2. Thanks for the heads-up re: the wonky link. It should be okay now.

    If we put criminals to death in the same manner as their victims, we'd have to find enough volunteers to rape this sick bastard to death. I might volunteer to flip the switch on the electric chair, but I'm definitely NOT raising my hand in this case.
