Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What On Earth Are They Thinking?

A veteran officer with a clean record is being investigated by the St. Petersburg Police Department (SPPD) after he warned the father of a robbery victim about a dangerous part of town.
Officer Thad "Stu" Crisco allegedly warned St. Petersburg father Bob Esposito about letting his 16-year-old daughter hang around the Northshore Pool at night.
The department then launched an investigation into "disparaging comments against the city."
Esposito said Crisco cited the city's violent crime stats - the worst in the state. He faces a possible suspension, even if his comments were true...
So the cop tries to do the "protect and serve" thing by cautioning a father about letting his daughter hang out in a dangerous part of town, and the chief of police and mayor come down on his ass!?!
Mayor Bill Foster acknowledged the incident and said he holds SPPD to the highest standard.

"I always want to know my officers are representing this city in a very positive light," Foster said.
Hey Mayor, I've got an idea. How about encouraging your officers to keep the citizens safe, rather than whitewashing your little burg's image.

And this whole deal about punishing people for speaking the truth? You must be a democrat, a union boss, or both...

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