Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Funnies 2011.04.10

Today's topic is the recent federal budget fiasco.

The jerks in congress are elected to (supposedly) conduct the business of the American people. In other words, they are there to do a job. If you or I did our jobs as poorly as they do theirs we'd be fired inside of a week.
It's not exactly rocket science.
For God's sake, even late night TV comics have got it figured out.
"We're heading for a government shutdown. This is serious. Without the government who will fail to inspect our airplanes? Who will fail to secure our borders? Who will put us 14 trillion dollars in debt?" –Jay Leno
"The White House may have to lay off all nonessential workers if the government shuts down. You know: interns, pages, Biden..." – Jimmy Fallon
"The most embarrassing part is that by the weekend, our government could be shut down, but Moammar Gadhafi's government could still be working." –Jay Leno
And my personal favorite:
"Members of Congress will still get paid if there's a shutdown. So it will be just like it is now. We'll be paying them to do nothing." –Jay Leno
Sadly, like the old saying, I laugh to keep from crying...


  1. Yea CenTexTim,

    It's ironic how something so sad could envoke a chuckle.

  2. It's human nature to laugh when someone else hits their thumb with a hammer, but I'm not sure why we find it funny when we keep hitting ourselves with a congressional hammer, metaphorically speaking...
