Monday, April 11, 2011

FOD 2011.04.11

This is not the typical FOD post. Obama is but a symptom of a much more serious malady, as noted by Lauri Regan in The American Thinker.
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency...Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."
Take a look at the tag line at the top of this blog: "We have met the enemy, and he is us." Truer words were ne'er spoke, at least in the context of electing an unqualified arrogant elitist marxist asshole. As Ms. Regan goes on to state:
When Obama won in 2008, I wrote an article for American Thinker in which I analyzed the various reasons that people had for voting for a person who was clearly incompetent, unprepared, unpatriotic, and basically void of any substance other than his own ego and disdain for American exceptionalism. The five categories of Obama voters included (i) individuals suffering from Bush Derangement Syndrome, (ii) followers with a mob mentality of assuming that if everyone liked the guy, he must be wonderful, (iii) socialists, (iv) people with racial guilt looking for a post-racial America, and (v) those suffering from simple ignorance due to a lack of intellectual curiosity to understand the man who would be king.

Now, with over half of Obama's term complete, the only relevant categories of Obama supporters are those falling under items (iii) and (v) -- Americans who reside on the far left of the political spectrum and those who remain completely ignorant about world affairs, economics, and the person who is the current leader of the free world. The far left will continue to support and vote for Obama no matter how many flip flops he makes on closing Gitmo, military trials for terrorists, intervention in Mideast revolutions, and other policies that raise their ire.

However, in the face of a dishonest and complicit mainstream media, it is up to all thinking Americans to make efforts to educate themselves, their neighbors, friends, colleagues, and family as to the dangers of four more years of Obama as President. For while the world can withstand four years of incompetence in the White House, eight years will likely result in a world forever changed, with America reduced to mediocrity and powerlessness, Islamic fundamentalism on an unimpeded rise to triumph over the West, and liberty and freedom replaced in many more parts of the world by tyranny and human rights abuses.

While many Americans who voted for Obama in 2008 have woken up to the fact that it was a colossal mistake, there remain too many Americans who simply do not understand just how incompetent and ideologically driven his administration is. There are too many people who would rather watch Joy Behar's ineffectual interview with Helen Thomas, who continue to watch MSNBC's idiotic news programs hosted by the likes of Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow, or who consider Jon Stewart and Bill Maher reliable sources of news. There are also those who read The New York Times without any critical analysis of its editorial board's disconnect from reality and publisher's extreme bias resulting in disingenuous reporting.
I am taking it as a personal challenge and goal to open the eyes of as many people as possible to the terrible, but so far not irreversible, damage that obama and his ilk have done to our country. It was my position last election that while McCain may not have been the ideal candidate, he was by far preferable to obama. I will take the same position in 2012. No matter what uninspiring insipid political hack that wins the republican nomination, he or she will be infinitely better than four more years of this commie pinko foreign-born intellectually-challenged terrorist-loving prince of fools who is currently befouling the Oval Office by his mere odious presence.

obama has already started his reelection campaign. It's time for us to start ours...

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