Saturday, April 9, 2011


From my recent Wyoming trip:

This is the view approaching the mountains. You can see some lingering snow from winter. The dip in the middle is Wolf Creek Pass - my destination.

It started snowing that night. Here's my cabin while it was coming down...

... and after it stopped.

The temperature got down into the low 20's at night and hovered around the high 30s - low 40s during the day. Perfect for leaving my beer on the porch.

* * * * * * * * * *
I mentioned previously about the cell phone tower going up practically in our back yard. Here's what it looks like.

It's amazing how quickly it went up. On Day One just the base was peeking over the hill. By the end of Day Two it was fully erect (insert your own joke here). The power line pole to the bottom left of the tower was likewise not there before. They had to run electricity to the tower, so now we also have a series of power line pole tops strung along the ridge.

The only way this will be worthwhile is if it leads to people carrying their cell phones like the person below.

We can only hope...

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