Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Unanswered Questions

As I've said before, I live in Central Texas but work in a Texas-Mexico border town. When I'm down here I stay in a small apartment. Many of the other renters in this complex are Texas DPS (Highway Patrol) troopers or border patrol agents. One of my close neighbors is a K9 officer. I see him frequently walking his German Shepherd around the grounds.

The troopers and agents are all very nice, very polite young men. Many of them are married, and several have young children. It's a family-oriented apartment complex. In fact, tonight some of them were having a small barbecue near the pool. It was a typical gathering - some food, some beer, kids running around, a little music. I said "howdy" as I walked by after class. They invited me to join them, but I had papers to grade so I said "no thanks."

Then things changed...

Breaking News:

2 ICE agents shot while driving across Mexico
Two American immigration and customs officers driving across Mexico on Tuesday were shot and "seriously wounded" by unidentified gunmen, according to U.S officials.

The attack occurred somewhere on the road between Monterrey and Mexico City on Monday afternoon, according to a statement released by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The identities and precise conditions of the two officers is unknown. However, an ICE official speaking on the condition of anonymity said both agents were "seriously wounded." 
"ICE is working with the U.S. State Department, Mexican authorities and other U.S. law enforcement partners to investigate the shooting," the agency statement read "Our thoughts and prayers are with our colleagues."
(More here.) 

When I heard the news I went down to tell the officers. They had just heard as well - all the cell phones were going crazy. At this point there are few confirmed details, although the general consensus of the officers' network was that this was the work of the Los Zetas cartel, a heavily armed and highly trained organization composed mainly of ex-Mexican Army Special Forces members who are fighting with other cartels to control lucrative smuggling corridors.

Needless to say, the mood at the barbecue was drastically altered. The males stalked around, tense and angry. Their wives and girlfriends were very quiet, alternatively clinging to each other or their men. The news was an unwelcome reminder that their men worked in a violent and unpredictable profession. It's trite, but it's true - when the husband walks out the door in the morning there's no guarantee that he'll come home again that afternoon.

This comes on top of the news that one of the most dangerous people in the country is tonight out of jail, a free man, after being caught just a few months ago
A district judge approved bond for 23-year-old Joseph Allen Garcia. That despite the fact he was arrested on charges including flight to avoid prosecution, not to mention murder.

Bond was set for $1.25 million after his attorney was able to provide proof to the Webb County sheriff’s office that he was worth double that amount. 
Gee, how does a 23-year-old become worth more than $2.5 million?  Overtime? Or perhaps he's a government employee. In any event;
Garcia was returned to the United States to face justice for the murder of two individuals and four aggravated assaults with a deadly weapon.

This fugitive had been avoiding the authorities for approximately five years and was even featured on Americas Most Wanted. 
Mexican judges, district attorneys, and law enforcement agents are routinely gunned down. U.S. law enforcement agents are likewise assaulted. The violence is spreading across the border. Is it any wonder that a violent predator who was already been on the run for five years, and who has an 'unexplained' multi-million dollar net worth, is released on bail?

Where is the federal government in securing our borders? Why can't I go armed to protect myself and my students on campus, like I can just about anywhere else in town? Why does our government fear me more than it fears criminals who have repeatedly demonstrated their contempt for and disregard of our laws?

Why do I waste my time asking these questions...?


  1. Allen Garcia has bellowed"adios" to the stoopid gringo legal system and he'll never be seen again.

    Well, except if you're privilaged enough to visit him in this 25-million dollar, 25-year old blonde babe festooned villa sitting on 5,00 acres of land, surrounded by 50-m4 toting 300-lb dudes, a mine field and 3-survalience choppers.

    Ain't life rewarding?

  2. TJ -

    I'm impressed by your understanding of the border region legal system. It's neither Mexican or American - neither fish nor fowl, as the saying goes...
