Wednesday, February 16, 2011

FID 2011.02.16 - Great Minds Think Alike

In an earlier post I commented on how influential figures in Great Britain and Singapore were finally recognizing the folly of expecting muslims to assimilate into an existing culture. Now we have the French piling on.  

Sarkozy Joins Cameron, Merkel, Condemns Multiculturalism
French President Nicolas Sarkozy agrees with other European leaders who say multiculturalism has failed.

Speaking on a French television program, Sarkozy echoed the remarks of British Prime Minister David Cameron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Last week, Cameron flatly declared multiculturalism a sad failure, and Merkel said as much in October.

"My answer is clearly yes, it is a failure," Sarkozy said, adding...

If you come to France, you accept to melt into a single community, which is the national community, and if you do not want to accept that, you cannot be welcome in France....

We have been too concerned about the identity of the person who was arriving and not enough about the identity of the country that was receiving him.
Amen to that, brother. Who ever would have thought that the French, the British, and the Germans would agree on something?

The story goes on to point out:
Thanks to Islamic immigration, France is a literal mess. Outside Paris, Muslims have established what the French call no-go zones, in which native French and police dare not set foot.
Don't hear that mentioned in the lamestream press, do we?
In August 2009, the French no-go zone of Bagnolet went up in flames thanks to Muslims rioters, a reprise of the major Muslim attacks in 2005 that paralyzed the city and the nation's politicians.
(The French government's) response to the unrest was to offer more welfare to African Muslims and blame themselves for not doing their part in making the Muslims feel welcome in the City of Lights.

When Muslims across Gaul erupted into that mad rage in 2005, French President Jacques Chirac rushed to blame his countrymen. 
Geez, does that sound like some of our 'progressive' politicians?
... Chirac said Muslims rioted because of the “ghettoization of youths of African or North African origin” and “the incapacity of French society to fully accept them.”

Chirac also thought his country “has not done everything possible for these youths, supported them so they feel understood, heard and respected,” citing high unemployment among the African immigrants.

Unsurprisingly, French law began to reflect that view. It now punishes those who criticize Islam. Authorities have prosecuted actress Brigitte Bardot five times for comments about the Muslim invasion and the grisly practices of Muslims when slaughtering livestock.
Prosecuting Brigitte Bardot? She's a whack job, but only to the extent of being firmly on the side of the animals. She could care less about the religious leanings of whoever is swinging the sledgehammer.
France, however, may have wised up. It recently banned the burqa, the medieval head-to-toe covering that strict Muslim men expect their women to wear, as well as other face-covering veils.
Who ever would have thought that the French, of all people, would lead the way in defending the roots of Western culture?
Sarkozy is the third European head of state to admit the truth about multiculturalism, which for all intents and purposes means admitting the truth that Muslims are not assimilating, and that native Europeans are tired of listening to their ridiculous demands and caterwauling about rights.
Muslims are not assimilating - who woulda thunk? Only several centuries of world history have provided a hint.
We need to think much harder who it’s in the public interest to work with. Some organizations that seek to present themselves a gateway to the Muslims community are showered with public money despite doing little to combat extremism.…

So let’s properly judge these organizations:

Do they believe in universal human rights — including for women and people of other faiths?

Do they believe in equality of all before the law?

Do they believe in democracy and the right of people to elect their own government?

Do they encourage integration or separatism?
The answers to the above questions are, as the saying goes, "intuitively obvious to even the most uninterested observer.'
Problem is, the immigrants they invited in are demanding sweeping changes in laws that would allow them to carry on as if they were a separate society. In Britain, for instance, as The New American has reported, Muslims have been agitating for and receiving special treatment. Swimming pools in London accommodate Muslim sensibilities in bathing attire. Schools serve halal food. Prison guards have been forbidden to wear St. George’s Cross because it supposedly offends Muslims prisoners sensitive about the Crusades.
Pardon my French, but to quote the old ballad:

"Fuck 'em all, fuck 'em all, the long, the short and the tall..."

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