Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dead or Employed by the Government - Who Can Tell?

The gang at GGD have a rant going on regarding the worthlessness of the public sector. Here's a little more fuel for their fire.

L.A. County Employee Dead in Cubicle a Day Before Being Noticed
An L.A. County employee apparently died while working in her cubicle on Friday, but no one noticed for quite some time.
(The employee) was found by a security guard ... slumped over on her desk...
Her co-workers probably thought she was asleep. Most government workers either nap or surf the 'Net after lunch. Unless they work for the DMV. Then they just stand around and gossip while ignoring the long, long lines. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The dead employee probably accomplished more than any of the oxygen wasters in adjoining cubes.

  3. At least she didn't screw things up any more than they already are...
