Friday, January 14, 2011

Small Town Life

I love living in (well, actually about 15 miles outside of) a small town. Why? Here's my errand list from yesterday.
  • Get  a haircut (Larry's Barber Shop - an old fashioned real barber shop, not a salon or styling parlor. It's been in the same place, run by the same guy - Larry - for around 25 years. There's usually some folks who aren't there for a haircut just sitting around BS-ing. $12 for a haircut and beard trim)
  • Submit my passport renewal paperwork at the county courthouse.
  • Run by the bank.
  • Pick up the dry cleaning.
  • Pick up medicine at the drug store.
  • Get a flu shot.
  • Go by the post office.
  • Get a few things at the grocery store.
  • Fill the truck up with gas.
Total elapsed time in town - 1 hour 55 minutes. Add in another 30 minutes round trip travel time and I got a whole slew of stuff done in around 2 1/2 hours. And that includes chat time with several people I ran into that I knew.

I got up in the morning, had a cup of coffee, ran my errands, and was home in time for my wife to fix me lunch. That's hard to beat...

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