Thursday, January 13, 2011


5 Nov. 2009 - Ft. Hood, Texas
13 people killed and 30 wounded by (allegedly - snort) Nidal Malik Hasan, a muslim who shouted "Allahu Akbar" as he moved through the room shooting a semi-automatic pistol with high-capacity magazines. The American public was immediately cautioned by the mainstream media and assorted liberal politicians against making any assumptions regarding the shooter's motivation.

After a few days the story fades from the news cycle, with only occasional sporadic updates. The dead are allowed to rest in peace.

 8 Jan. 2011 - Tucson, Arizona
6 people killed and 13 wounded by Jared Lee Loughner (again, allegedly), a mentally unstable individual with no apparent ties to or interest in any particular political party, using a semi-automatic pistol with high-capacity magazines. The mainstream media and assorted liberal politicians immediately blame the shootings on incendiary rhetoric from conservative politicians and talk radio.

After a few days the story remains a high-profile exchange of charges and counter-charges. The dead are politicized for personal and political purposes.

This topic has been beaten to death (caution - violent rhetorical usage, not to be taken literally). I don't have much to add, other than to offer thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families. However, I would like to provide a couple of links that highlight the sickening hypocrisy of the left and their media minions (or is it the other way around? See the Final Note below).

Go here for a Right Wing Hate Speech Quiz.

Go here for an Illustrated Primer of Hate Speech

Final Note: I was getting my hair cut today in a traditional, old-fashioned barber shop here in the small town where I live. There were the usual old farts hanging around, and the topic of discussion was the Tucson shootings. As you might expect, general disgust was voiced regarding politicians and the media. One old fellow summed it up by snorting "Politicians ... Hell, they're almost as bad as the press."

That should give you some idea of how far the media's reputation has fallen, when they're ranked below politicians...

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