Friday, January 14, 2011

I Have A New Hero

From Drudge:

Maine guv to NAACP: 'Kiss my Butt'...
While attending a meeting for business leaders in Sanford, Governor Paul LePage spoke out about why he would not attend Martin Luther King ceremonies on the upcoming holiday.

LePage has declined invitations from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The organization has already expressed its displeasure with the governor's plans to not attend the events.

"They are a special interest. End of story...and I'm not going to be held hostage by special interests. And if they want, they can look at my family picture. My son happens to be black, so they can do whatever they'd like about it," said LePage.

LePage has an adopted son who is from Jamaica.

When LePage was asked if his non-participation is more than one instance, and rather a pattern, he replied, "Tell 'em to kiss my butt. If they want to play the race card, come to dinner and my son will talk to them."

This isn't the first time LePage has caused a stir with his comments. During the campaign, while speaking in front of a group of fishermen, then-candidate LePage said if he were elected governor, headlines would read "Governor LePage tells President Obama to go to Hell." 
Give the guy credit for having the stones to call the NAACP what it is - a special interest group. In this case it's special interest is perpetuating racial disunity by emphasizing differences rather than commonalities. Anyone who dares questions the motives of the NAACP is immediately labeled a racist, regardless of the validity of their comments.

Ditto for disagreeing with obama. If you do so then you are by default a racist.

How's this for a dream ticket in 2012: NJ Gov. Chris Christie and Maine Gov. Paul LePage? At least there wouldn't be any doubt about where they stand...

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