Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don't They have Anything Better To Do?

Unemployment is hovering around 10%. The deficit keeps growing by leaps and bounds. Illegal immigration remains a contentious and unsolved problem. Terrorists are doing their damnedest to destroy our way of life. And the senate dithers its time away debating repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT)* policy.

This is one of the main reasons that I'm so disgusted with congress. They play political games instead of addressing the very real and very serious problems facing this country. The democraps are at fault this time, but the repubs have done the same thing in the past. Why can't they just vote on one thing at a time? In this case, vote on the defense appropriations bill. Take care of that piece of business and then move on to the next. But don't conflate funding for our military with gay rights or illegal immigration. That's despicable and cowardly politics, pure and simple, no matter which side does it.

Furthermore, gay rights and immigration policy may be important issues, but right now the economy should be Job One. Get this country back on its feet and then worry about the other stuff.

Grow up and do the job you were elected to do. Don't waste our time and money on crap that you think will help you get re-elected.

*FWIW, I've addressed the DADT issue before. If you're interested here's the link. Below's a preview.
First, a little background. I like to think I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to social issues. For example, I'm okay with gay marriage. As Kinky Friedman says, "I support gay marriage. I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us."

And yet, and yet...

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