Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Update

Jerry Jones is still an idiot.

Wade Phillips is still an idiot.

Jason Garrett is still an idiot.

Tony Romo is still an idiot.

And oh yeah, obama is still an idiot.

Speaking of idiots, we have the leaders of numerous American Muslim organizations.
Comparing the planners of the Muslim community center and mosque to be built two blocks from ground zero to Rosa Parks, leaders of numerous American Muslim organizations declared their strong support for the project on Monday, and said it should not move.
Are they serious?!? Comparing a real estate scam to the civil rights movement and Rosa Parks? GMAFB. No one is denying they have the right to build whatever they want on whatever property they own. The opposition is based on the insensitive and provocative nature of the proposed mosque. That's a far cry from saying muslims must sit at the back of the bus.
The leaders, representing local as well as national groups, stressed that their primary concern was not this one project, called Park51, but other instances of anti-Muslim sentiment, driven by what they called fear, lack of information and political opportunism, that has led small, vocal groups of residents from Staten Island and Brooklyn to California and Tennessee to oppose the construction of mosques.

Moderate Muslim Leader

First of all, it's not "small, vocal groups." A national poll shows that 68 percent oppose the plan to build the mosque. A poll of New Yorkers shows that more than two-thirds of them oppose it. So their characterization of the opposition is either based on ignorance of the facts, or deliberate misstatement of them. In other words, they're either idiots or liars.

Second, any anti-muslim sentiment has been intensified by this project. If they truly want to advance understanding and reconciliation between muslims and normal people non-muslims, then move the damn mosque. Don't lay this on others. If they decide to spit in the face of the American people by building the damn thing, then they need to man up and live with the consequences. You diss me and I'll diss you right back.

Below is a conceptual rendition of a possible compromise to the Ground Zero mosque design.

Finally, if they want to be accepted by the civilized world, then stop, or at least denounce, suicide bombings, stoning, beheading, treating women like chattel, fatwas against cartoonists, etc. Move up to at least the 20th century, if not the 21st. 

At this point, all I can say is "Screw 'em all, screw 'em all, the long, the short and the tall..."

(Images shamelessly stolen from here and here.)

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