Monday, November 16, 2015

FOD 2015.11.15

It should not come as a surprise to anyone who has been paying attention that obama is totally ineffectual when it comes to dealing with workplace violence islamic terrorists. As a result, their attacks are becoming more brutal and more frequent.
The barbarism and carnage on the streets of Paris are a stark reminder that the free world is at war with brutal terrorist groups who seek to sow death, fear and destruction in the West.

This is a moment for robust and bold leadership from leaders on both sides of the Atlantic, who must be prepared to emphatically defeat the enemy we face. In the words of Britain’s Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher...
The terrorist threat to freedom is worldwide. It can never be met by appeasement. Give in to the terrorist and you breed more terrorism. At home and abroad our message is the same. We will not bargain, nor compromise, nor bend the knee to terrorists.
Now contrast the Iron Lady's words with those of barack obama.
Sinking to the lowest depth of comments by world leaders was the one and only Barack Obama, who made predictably loathsome remarks about not wanting to speculate about who was responsible (despite his propensity to immediately speculate on other kinds of incidents), about it being an “outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians,” and saying that we would do “whatever it takes” to bring them to justice.

As usual, Obama said the very least he could get away with while managing to diminish the horror that befell those who died in Paris in the name of Islam. “Terrorize innocent civilians?” People were murdered. And we know who did it. They’re called jihadists. Or you can call them Islamic terrorists. Or devout Muslims. And, I would add, this is much bigger than the notion of bringing the ever-ambiguous “them” to justice. This isn’t a criminal trial. This is war. This isn’t about justice. It’s about protecting and defending our nation.
Unfortunately, obama is clueless when it comes to protecting and defending our nation. Hell, the guy can't even bring himself to say the words "islamic terrorism."

Shortly after making those remarks, barry jetted off to the G-20 summit, where he will try to persuade other world leaders into joining the fight against the greatest threat to our way of life.

Global warming climate change...


  1. When it comes to real threats to our country and the rest of the world, Mullah Obama doesn't have a clue. He is proving more each day that if brains were dynamite, he couldn't blow his nose.

  2. The man is the product of Muslim schools during his formative years He will do as little as possible to contain ISIS.

  3. NFO - It'll be interesting to see what Putin does now that he's officially admitted the terrorists bombed that Russian airplane.

    Anon - no argument there.

    WSF - Like I said earlier, let's compare and contrast his response to Putin's.
