Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Facts - Meh...

The democrats held a presidential debate Saturday night. Between the terrorist attacks in Paris and college football games, I didn't tune in. Neither, apparently, did many others.
It took less than an hour after Nielsen ratings revealed a disappointing 8.5 million person audience for last night’s CBS Democratic debate before campaigns resumed their griping about the Democratic National Committee’s debate schedule...
Given the quality of the candidates, that may have been a smart move on the part of the DNC. Why give that bunch of losers any more exposure than necessary? As is the wont of every liberal from obama on down, they played fast and loose with the truth. Take, for example, this statement by hillary on gun violence.
Since we last debated in Las Vegas, nearly 3,000 people have been killed by guns. Two hundred children have been killed. This is an emergency.”

Clinton added that in the same period there have been 21 mass shootings:

…including one last weekend in Des Moines where three were murdered.”
Let's take a look at some facts that contradict hillary's lies.
According to The Gun Violence Archive, there have been 11,537 gun deaths in the U.S. so far this year, or about 961 deaths per month on average, suggesting Clinton’s 3,000 is greatly exaggerated.

The data also shows the deaths of 83 children and teens from the date of the Las Vegas debate October 13 to the Iowa debate Saturday, not 200 as Clinton claimed.

When the Associated Press asked the Clinton campaign about the discrepancy between her figures and those of the Gun Violence Archive, the campaign pointed to:

    2013 statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
    2010 figures for the Children’s Defense Fund.

But neither of those is the time frame Clinton was talking about during the debate.

And the “mass shooting” Clinton mentioned took place outside a Des Moines nightclub in early November and one person was killed, not three. Four people were shot in total, with three injured.
But since the actual facts don't fit with the narrative, hillary evidently feels free to make make up her own.

What else is new?


  1. She lies... Nothing new there. Been doing that for years. Sigh

  2. Too bad the media never calls her on it...

  3. Don't you understand, as a woman in a male dominated world, she must do whatever is necessary to win? Don't believe me? Listen to any woman who says, "I want to see a female President in my lifetime". If she were to kill a puppy on live TV, her supporters would find a way to rationalize it. Honor, integrity, veracity? That is for "little" people.
