Thursday, July 23, 2015

Irony Abounds

Here's a classic example of irony that would be funny if it wasn't so serious

Baltimore anti-violence group work suspended after guns, drugs found in raid
City officials have suspended operations of the Safe Streets anti-violence program in East Baltimore after police officers found seven guns and drugs stashed inside the Monument Street office.

Safe Streets, a grant-funded program under the city's Health Department, uses ex-felons in an effort to stem crime...

The program has had trouble in the past, with offices previously suspended in 2010 and 2013 amid criminal allegations against employees. It has also faced criticism over its recruiting practices.

... a spokesman for Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, said, "The Mayor remains supportive of the program and the effective way it has been able to reach many people in our city and reduce crime. But she recognizes the program must be vigilant with respect to the activities of the program's participants and staff members."

The city had been in talks with the Abell Foundation about creating a new Safe Streets zone in Sandtown-Winchester, where 25-year-old Freddie Gray was arrested... The foundation approved a $180,000 matching grant to help fund the expansion...
Ah, now we're getting closer to the reason the program lives on after multiple failures. Can you say "kickbacks"?
... When officers eventually raided the (Safe Streets) office, they found guns, heroin, cocaine, and other items used in the manufacturing and sale of drugs, including cutting agents and scales, police said.
That shouldn't be too surprising. This is the same city that's been controlled by liberals and democrats (but I repeat myself) for the last 50 years. It's a case study in corruption, back room deals, and abuse of power.

In a related note:
So far this year, Baltimore recorded 155 homicides, including three people who were killed late Tuesday evening near the University of Maryland, Baltimore campus. The 2015 homicide toll is 50 people higher than it was at the same point last year.

On Wednesday, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake fired Police Commissioner Anthony Batts, citing the spike in murders in the city.
Somehow I don't think the top cop is the reason for the surge in murders. Can you say "scapegoat"?

Speaking of the mayor, let's end on a light note.
A woman ran up to Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings–Blake and dumped what appeared to be water on her head at the Mondawmin Festival.

Aides helped the mayor dry off after the incident Saturday morning...

Rawlings–Blake attended the festival at the same mall where violence and rioting erupted in April.
I guess you could say the mayor of Baltimore is all wet...

"Space to destroy..."


  1. Yep, throwing bodies to the masses hoping to calm them... And when the case against the Baltimore 6 implodes, will the prosecutor be next?

  2. NFO - No doubt she'll find someone else to blame.

    WSF - or urine...
