Friday, July 24, 2015

An American Icon

It's the weekend. Time for grilling, partying, and just kicking back and enjoying yourself.

Any and all of the above activities are often accompanied by what has become an American icon - the Red Solo Cup.
If you’re attending a backyard barbecue, pool party, or any kind of group gathering, chances are someone’s going to offer you a beverage in a red Solo cup... the disposable, recyclable, and brightly colored plastic cup has been a de facto accompaniment to good times in the good old U.S. of A.

Especially popular at the beach
Although the Solo Cup Company has been making paper cups since 1936, it wasn’t until the 1970s — the decade of Animal House and Dazed and Confused — that the plastic version was first released and immediately adored by collegians, campers, and backyard burger-flippers alike.

Officially called the Party Cup, it was originally introduced in four sizes and four colors, but it’s the red 18-ounce version that’s risen to iconic status...

And here’s something you might not know about the party staple: it’s not just a place to pour your drink, it’s a place to measure your drink too!

Yep, the lines on the classic cup design aren’t just for aesthetics or grippiness — in an act of kismet, they correspond to common fluid-ounce measurements. Starting from the bottom up, they mark one ounce (a perfect shot of bourbon for your Boulevardier or gin for your Negroni); five ounces (a standard wine pour); 12 ounces (a typical can of soda or beer); 16 ounces (aka a pint); and the final 18-ounce mark for any overflow from ice.
Click to embiggen.
So if you’re ever in a pinch and can’t find your trusty Pyrex measuring cup while you’re cooking, you can always grab a cup from your party stash and save the day.

Just don't over-indulge...


  1. Red cup art! After my next party, I may have to try it.

  2. LOL, they've been a 'standard' of measure for years at parties... :-)
