Tuesday, June 30, 2015

The Chains Of Logic

Unless you've been living in a cave the past couple of weeks, you're aware of the ongoing debate over the Confederate flag.

Why? Because apparently that flag made a messed up white dude murder nine black people in a church.

Setting aside the lunacy that a piece of cloth (or for that matter, an inanimate lump of metal) can be responsible for killing anyone, let's follow where that belief leads a member of the mainstream media.

CNN host Ashleigh Banfield speculated, on the air, that it is time to think about removing the Jefferson Memorial from the National Mall in Washington D.C.

That's the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, not the Jefferson Davis memorial.

The reason: Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.
Thomas Jefferson–like a lot of people 270 years ago–owned slaves. He inherited them from his father. Jefferson gave away many of the estimated 170 slaves he owned after his death...

But Thomas Jefferson didn’t want to divorce from the union in order to preserve slavery. In fact, Jefferson wrote constantly and argued regularly about whether or not the founders should include the abolition of slavery in the Bill of Rights.
Using that 'reasoning' we should remove barack obama from office because his family owned slaves.
Obama’s great-great-great-great grandfather, George Washington Overall, owned two slaves who were recorded in the 1850 census in Nelson County, Ky., the Baltimore Sun reported in 2007, and Obama’s great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, Mary Duvall, also owned slaves.

Obama’s campaign team in 2008 did not dispute the information.

Leftists are currently purging the Confederate flag because its association with slavery, but given that “logic,” shouldn’t they also be calling for Obama’s resignation since he too has a historical link to slavery?
Makes sense to me...


  1. What makes sense to us, and what makes sense to Liberals, are two entirely different things.

  2. We can't let mere facts interfere with the scared narrative.

  3. And the American flag flew over slavery for 80 years prior to the Confederacy.

  4. I put a post up on this... Taken to the 'logical' conclusion by the left, we would need to destroy the White House and Capital too... sigh...

  5. Bear - you got that right.

    WSF - facts can be such pesky things...

    Randy - you're as bad as WSF with your inconvenient facts.

    NFO - great minds think alike.
