Monday, June 29, 2015

FOD 2015.06.29

Lost in all the hoopla over gay marriage and the Confederate flag is the June 30 deadline for finalizing a deal with Iran on its nuclear weapons program.

How's that going, you ask?

How do you think?

As of Sunday night, reports were emerging from Israel that obama has caved in to Iran on the issue of inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities.
Israeli news sources report that the U.S. and its negotiating partners have given in to Iran’s insistence that it will not allow inspections of its nuclear weapons facilities: 
The P5+1 countries led by the United States under Barack Obama have caved in to Iranian demands and will not insist on inspections of nuclear installations as part of a deal on Iran’s nuclear weapons program...
Iran has consistently declared that it will not allow inspections, and Barack Obama wants a deal at any cost, either because he actually wants to help Iran to obtain nuclear weapons–circumstantial evidence supports that conclusion–or because he is so desperate for some kind of foreign affairs legacy that he is willing to go along with anything. From the beginning of this process, Iran’s government has issued more truthful updates on the status of the negotiations than has our own. In some parallel universe, this would be an embarrassment to an American administration.

Events are moving rapidly toward ... an agreement that will cause billions of dollars to flow to Iran to enable the mullahs to accelerate their nuclear weapons and ICBM programs:

Was there ever any doubt? I don’t think so. More important, neither did the Iranians. They knew they could dictate the terms of the agreement because they were dealing with Barack Obama, and they have done so. Meanwhile, here in the U.S., we are busy posting rainbows on our Facebook pages. It is hard to escape the conclusion that we deserve what we are going to get.


  1. Like cats covering up crap in the ccat box... ANYTHING to distract from the real issues...

  2. Yeah, and unfortunately it's working.
