Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday Follies Happy Hour 2015.05.22

Despite yesterday's post about Dadbods and sexy beer bellies, the fact of the matter is:

I don't look good naked anymore...


  1. About a year ago, my SIL sent me this video . Little did she know that the "older lady" singing is Donna Stevens, an old high school buddy. I thought her song was perfect with the video you posted.

  2. I meant to mention that I had lost track of Donna and to see her on this video was surprising. It was good to see that she was alive and doing well, but older.

  3. BB - as long as we're trading video links, here's the male response to your friend Donna's song.

    You're not as ugly as you look

    WSF - ain't it, though...

  4. Hmm, I like the "naked" song better.
