Monday, January 5, 2015

FOD 2015.01.05

Steven Hayward at Powerline says it better than I could:
I’ve already broken my new year’s resolution, which was to pay less attention to how much Obama annoys me.  And he’s still on vacation.
Here's one of the things about obama that annoys me in 2015.
Last week, the President once again announced the end of “combat operations” in Afghanistan, although he said that our troops will remain there to fight what he called “the remnants of al Qaeda.”

The President gave a similar statement at Fort Bragg, NC, in December 2011...

Early in his presidency, July 2009, the President said that “victory” was not necessarily the goal in Afghanistan.

In the 13-year war, over 74% of all military casualties have occurred on President Obama’s watch. In addition, a staggering 92% of all Marine deaths have happened under this presidency.

The president has recently freed numerous terrorists being held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, some of them Taliban members from Afghanistan, knowing full-well many detainees intend to return to the battlefield and pursue war against the United States.

President Obama’s approval rating with military members has plummeted to an all-time low of 15%, while his disapproval has escalated to 55%.
The loser-in-chief has absolutely no clue about (among other things) our military, terrorism, or what to do in the Middle East. And it's long past the time when he could blame Bush...


  1. But if it's no longer a "Combat Operation", then they won't pay the military combat pay, don't ya know... Saving those pennies...

  2. There is a Facebook page titled,

    We Survived Bush
    You will survive Obama

    Silly optimist.

  3. NFO - never thought of it that way. Back in the day there was something called Hazardous Duty pay for folks that got shot at in an undeclared war. Don't know if that's still around or not...

    WSF - apples and oranges.
