Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Raging Against Self-Defense

In the aftermath of the Isla Vista mass murders, a familiar dance is taking place. Gun control advocates are blaming the 'gun culture' and crying out for more restrictive laws.
...the father of one of the victims issued a grief-stricken attack on the National Rifle Association Saturday, The Los Angeles Times reported.

“Why did Chris die? Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA,” Richard Martinez told assembled reporters. “They talk about gun rights. What about Chris’ right to live? When will this insanity stop?”
I sympathize with Mr. Martinez. It must be a terrible thing, to have your child killed in a random and senseless act of violence. And I agree with one thing he said: "When will this insanity stop?”

Emphasis on "insanity."

One only has to read the killer's journal to realize what a sick and twisted individual he was.
"I was desperate to have the life I know I deserve; a life of being wanted by attractive girls, a life of sex and love. Other men are able to have such a life ... so why not me? I deserve it! I am magnificent, no matter how much the world treated me otherwise..."
I'm assuming he has a whole bookcase full of 'participation' trophies. And that he's been told his whole life that he's special.
Rodger wrote that he splashed two "hot blonde girls" with his Starbucks latte at an Isla Vista bus stop after they "didn't even deign to smile back" after he smiled at them.

"How dare those girls snub me in such a fashion! How dare they insult me so! I raged to myself repeatedly. They deserved the punishment I gave them. It was such a pity that my latte wasn't hot enough to burn them. Those girls deserved to be dumped in boiling water for the crime of not giving me the attention and adoration I so rightfully deserve!"
Notice the "I deserve better" theme running through his comments. He didn't develop that attitude all by himself. His parents and teachers  should be looking long and hard at themselves in the mirror.

As for blaming the NRA, it should be noted that half of the victims were stabbed to death, not shot. Furthermore, two of the fatal shootings took place on the University of California, Santa Barbara campus: a gun-free zone.

Sadly, in situations like this facts and logic are trumped by emotion and hostility. Sobbing parents, ranting against an evil bogeyman like the NRA, get airtime. A reasoned, dispassionate response doesn't.

There's even a clinical term to describe such outbursts: “Raging against Self-Defense.”
What’s emerging is something psychiatrist Sarah Thompson described as “Raging against Self-Defense,” that is, indignant slurs by people who bring neither facts nor logic nor anything but ignorance and hostility to the discussion.
It should now be obvious to anyone capable of reasoning that even in the state with arguably the most restrictive gun control laws in the country, it is not possible to legislate insanity. To paraphrase a sports cliche, "You can't stop it. You can only hope to contain it."

And how, one might ask, can insanity be contained? Well, note that the insane killer's rampage was finally stopped when he was confronted by legally armed individuals. In this case they were LEOs, but might it not be quite possible that if one of his earlier victims, or one of the witnesses, were armed he might have been halted much sooner?

I certainly think so...


  1. So... what would be a slow night in DC or Chiraq is??? OUR FAULT??? Tam has a great fisking of this whole mess...
