Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How To Cover Up A Scandal

Are you the President of the United States? Are you being dogged by the latest in a series of scandals, but this time you don't seem to be able to make it go away like the others? What to do, what to do...?

Announce a plan to draw down the number of troops in Afghanistan.
With combat operations in Afghanistan ending this year, President Barack Obama announced he plans for almost 10,000 American troops to remain in the country in 2015 if the Afghan government signs a security agreement.

"We will bring America's longest war to a responsible end," Obama said in the White House Rose Garden in detailing the strategy to have virtually all U.S. forces out of Afghanistan by the end of 2016 -- shortly before his presidency ends.
Now sit back and watch as your allies in the media flood the newspapers, airwaves, and cyberspace with discussion of and accolades for your plan.

VA scandal? What VA scandal...?

I need a drink - make that a series of drinks - to get the foul taste of this latest shameless political machination out of my mouth.

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